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Pharma Karma 💊

Updated: Mar 1, 2022

Pharma Karma

By: Mia Botanica

When there is an option to possibly treat a skin problem with success (naturally), we at Mia Botanica feel as though there is no need to jump to potentially harmful medications hoping for a quick fix.

Read on to see why you should avoid prescribed meds at all costs!

According to studies, prescribed medications usually take up to 8 weeks to see any results and some tend to get worse before getting better, or don’t work at all, requiring stronger antibiotics. Also, it may still take many months or years for your acne to actually clear up, which may just be your body finally regulating itself after all.

In a recent episode of Frontline, “Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria,” they tout acne to be an “inappropriate use of antibiotics,” and, in short, because of all of the excessive prescriptions, unstoppable forms of bacteria are developing and wreaking havoc on society.

According to a study in the Archives of Dermatology, people who use antibiotics regularly are more than twice as likely to catch colds, (unfortunately, acne meds are usually taken for extended periods).

According to a study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, heavy use of antibiotics may increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. The study looked at 10,000 women over eight years and found that those who took the highest amounts of antibiotics the longest faced twice the risk of developing breast cancer than those who didn’t.

Below is, just some information on these harmful drugs and their possible side-effects.

Prescribed Acne Medications Usually Contain one or more of these undesirable ingredients:

Retinoids - you must avoid the sun due to the risk of skin irritation or worse, skin cancer.

Antibiotics - usually combined with benzoyl peroxide (to prevent antibiotic resistance), is used to clear the skin of bacteria.

Estrogen and Progestin - (these are forms of birth control, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Yaz, and many others). You may not see the benefit of this treatment for a few months. The most common side effects of these drugs are weight gain, breast tenderness, and nausea. A serious potential complication is an increased risk of blood clots.

Anti-androgen agents - The drug spironolactone (Aldactone) may be considered for women and adolescent girls if oral antibiotics aren't helping. It works by blocking the effect of androgen hormones on the sebaceous glands. Possible side effects include breast tenderness and painful periods.

Isotretinoin - (Amnesteem, Claravis, Sotret). (The horrendous list of side-effects is too long to list entirely). It is a powerful drug for people whose severe acne doesn't respond to other treatments. Oral isotretinoin is very effective. But, because of its potential side effects, doctors need to closely monitor anyone they treat with this drug. Potential side effects include ulcerative colitis, an increased risk of depression and suicide, and severe birth defects. In fact, isotretinoin carries such serious risk of side effects that all people receiving isotretinoin must participate in a Food and Drug Administration-approved risk management program.

Clindamycin - We’re just gonna list this one thing about this drug, though the list is long! The FDA warns that this drug has been “associated with severe colitis which may result in patient death!”

Steroid injections - which eventually causes thinned skin and visible vascularity at the site of the injection, thinning of nearby bone, joint infection, pain and inflammation, lightening of the skin, tendon weakening or rupture.

At Mia Botanica, we understand that acne breakouts can be uncomfortable and embarrassing but, you sure wouldn’t want to resort to the unsafe alternatives mentioned above.

So, before venturing to the dermatologist for a severe, prescribed medication that may severely dry out the skin and bombard the system with dangerous chemicals, (and in most cases, are hormone and immune system altering drugs) for yourself or your teen’s acne, please give our Organic Acne System a try!

It won’t cause stinging/burning, scaling, irritant and allergic contact dermatitis, hormone disruption, drug interactions or other adverse side-effects. Our treatment does not work by killing all of the body's bacteria (good and bad), or by altering and jeopardizing our vital internal systems. Instead, it works with your body to aid it in healing itself, as the skin can be trained to stop overproducing oils.

For More Information Visit: Acne Care 4 piece set -

*** There is no single topical, effective treatment against severe acne. Therefore, we suggest examining dietary choices ie., reducing or cutting sugars and eliminating foods that may cause possible allergic reactions to see if your skin responds well.

Also, this is a big one! As we sweat, the residues from other products that we use make their way into our pores. So, if your other products aren't pure, your skin may have an adverse reaction to this accumulated bacteria. Monitor these product's ingredients: any leave on products, make-up, sunscreen, washes/masks, shampoos and conditioners.

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